eRoaming: Conveniently connected - the "smart" way of charging

Recently, ChargeUp Europe joined forces with EVRoaming Foundation, Hubject and Gireve to call on EU decision-makers to include EV roaming in the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR). Given the great interest in the subject and how unknown it can be for many people ChargeUp Europe, Gireve and Hubject have conducted a dynamic interview in which they have shed more light on the role of roaming in the e-mobility ecosystem.

EV roaming has many advantages and plays a crucial role in the functioning of the market; not only does it provide value-adding services to B2B and B2C clients it also enables smart charging and ensures that electric vehicles are a productive part of the energy system. This discussion is intended to go deeper into what roaming is, how it works, and why the coalition issued this call to regulators.



Peter Badik (Moderator) – Board Member at ChargeUp Europe and Managing Partner at GreenWay.

Christian Hahn - CEO at Hubject (Roaming platform).

Eric Plaquet, President at Gireve (Roaming platform).


Watch the full interview!

Alexandra Gliga