ChargeUp Europe welcomes Hubject as its latest ecosystem partner

ChargeUp Europe, the voice of the EV charging infrastructure industry in Europe, is excited to announce Hubject as its 6th ecosystem partner, expanding the overall scope and reach of the association, which now consists of 24 full industry members as well as six ecosystem partners. This partnership brings major industry players into alignment and collaboration on the shared, core goal of developing an open, harmonized, pan-European Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) marketplace which makes charging easy for EV drivers, and enables them to speak with one voice.

One key enabler for the smooth and fast uptake of electro-mobility in Europe will be the possibility for EV drivers to charge anywhere and get connected to open charging networks. Roaming between publicly accessible charging networks is critical for EV drivers to be able to drive smoothly and reliably and for the development of a single European EV infrastructure market. Direct peer to peer roaming connections between charging service companies or connections with eRoaming hubs like Hubject are the primary ways that EV drivers can conveniently get access to and recharge their EV outside of their home network.

Hubject and ChargeUp Europe both believe that for an open market model to exist, EVCI interoperability must be a central tenet. This interoperability depends on the use of open, free to use, non-discriminatory protocols and standards available to all players on the market on equal terms. The principles of an open, interoperable market should be supported by a robust regulatory framework at the EU level.

In the context of the ongoing Green Deal legislative proposals from the EU Commission, ChargeUp Europe, in line with its foundational values, is a strong advocate of open protocols and standards in order to spur market competition and ensure a level playing field in the various communication domains of EV charging.

Hubject’s own platform plays an important role in an interoperable European eRoaming market. Its platform allows market players, regardless of their business approach, size or place in the value chain, to participate. The platform provides a low barrier for entry, is non-discriminatory in nature, ensures open and equal access. It’s importance in the EV infrastructure industry is evidenced by the number of market players who connect with the platform.

Read the full press release here.

Alexandra Gliga