Renewable Energy Directive Trilogues: EU legislators must ensure market conditions to best enable electrification of transport to meet climate targets

The Renewable Energy Directive trilogues present a unique opportunity to design market conditions to accelerate the uptake of emobility and EV charging in Europe. Electric vehicles already account for over 10% of new passenger cars and market share is growing. 

  • The directive should recognise the superior energy conversion efficiency of renewable electricity vs fuels and properly value it.

  • Fuel-neutral credit trading should include private EV charging, (workplaces, depots, and private homes), as well, as this accounts for 70% of passenger EVs and 99% of electrified public transport. 

  • This also incentivizes market players to install charging infrastructure and bring electricity into the system, and gives member states more tools to reach their targets with.

Read our joint statement with Eurelectric, AVERE and Transport & Environment here.

Alexandra Gliga